Blog Archives

Feb 11th


Paul Mitchell’s Shall We Dance On Ice

  It was so great to be involved with Paul Mitchell’s Shall We Dance on Ice and I was lucky enough to partner the wonderful Chelsie Hightower as one of the two ballroom dancing couples for the show! This whole production was really well done, right from all the crew front and back of house […]

Aug 13th


DWTS S15 Damian and Kellys Quickstep

WEEK 4 AND WE ARE HOP SKIPPING AND JUMPING, “QUICKSTEP” The week leading up to episode 4 on Dancing with the Stars was defiantly one of the toughest as we had be given QUICKSTEP for our genre, a dance known for its quick foot speed with lots of graceful movement around the floor and sprinkled […]

Aug 6th


DWTS S15 Rio Night Damian and Kellys Salsa

WEEK 3 AND WE WERE GOING TO RIO!! Last week on Dancing with the Stars it was time for some “RIO” South American flare on the dance floor. Being 100 days out until the RIO Olympics starts the show was celebrating and beginning the count down to the opening of the games. Samba / Salsa […]

Jul 31st


DWTS S15 Memorable Moments Waltz

With week 2 being Memorable Moments for each of the celebrities a night I must admit I do enjoy as it allows the viewers and the rest of us cast members the chance to get to know each and everyone of them a little better and an insight into a special time or a certain […]

Jul 23rd



The new season of Dancing with the Stars has returned to channel 7 on Sunday evenings as of last week, it’s fare to say this season will be my biggest challenge yet! and one that I am really looking forward too in many ways. In the past 6 years since I started working with the […]

Mar 26th


SNOWDAY!! – Michigan – Dance Around The World

I had some time last month before heading to Brazil for Dance Around The World, And seen as I was soon heading to some summer I though it would be a good idea to get a real dose of some winter so I went off to Hillman, Michigan to visit the Celebrity Eco Lodge and […]

Feb 5th


“New Orleans #ExhibitBE Some really cool Art” !!!

Firstly I wish I had of known of this before it was over 🙁  #ExhibitBE gave a run down building complex LIFE in New Orleans!, awesome idea from Brandan “BMike” Odums. He along with over thirty other street artist’s transformed the complex and gave it a voice thats for sure. I do love me some […]

Jan 20th


Domo Arigato Gozaimashita

Domo Arigato gozaimashita   It’s great to be back in my Los Angeles home, but I’m not going to lie! Missing the summer down under with the family and friends of course. As I sit here with my production team and go over the shoot list for my up coming project, #Fairdinkum bring it on!!! […]

Nov 23rd


Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Charleston and Paso Doble

And then there were four!! What a semi final all the remaining couples really bought there A game and for us what a way to dance into the Grand Finale of Dancing with the Stars. Thanks to everyone who has been voting for Tina and I we couldn’t have done it without you all!!   […]

Nov 17th


A Taste of Spain – Paso Doble Style

A Taste of Spain – Paso Doble Style So this time last year I immersed myself in Spain for a month, as I wanted to experience the many influences it has had on a dance I have done so many times I have lost count, the PASO DOBLE. This dance is based around the music […]

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