
Feb 11th


Paul Mitchell’s Shall We Dance On Ice

  It was so great to be involved with Paul Mitchell’s Shall We Dance on Ice and I was lucky enough to partner the wonderful Chelsie Hightower as one of the two ballroom dancing couples for the show! This whole production was really well done, right from all the crew front and back of house […]

Jul 23rd



The new season of Dancing with the Stars has returned to channel 7 on Sunday evenings as of last week, it’s fare to say this season will be my biggest challenge yet! and one that I am really looking forward too in many ways. In the past 6 years since I started working with the […]

Jan 20th


Domo Arigato Gozaimashita

Domo Arigato gozaimashita   It’s great to be back in my Los Angeles home, but I’m not going to lie! Missing the summer down under with the family and friends of course. As I sit here with my production team and go over the shoot list for my up coming project, #Fairdinkum bring it on!!! […]

Oct 13th


DWTS S14 Week 2 Memorable Moments

WEEK 2 MEMORABLE MOMENTS I really enjoy memorable moments week on Dancing with Stars as it give’s the viewers at home a chance to get to know the celebrities in a different light that they probably wouldn’t be known for, and also see that they are just as human as the rest of us. Kyly’s […]

Sep 29th


Los Angeles PhotoShoot

Checkout my latest Los Angeles photo shoot taken from various locations through out LA.  Thanks to the master behind the camera – Tibor Golob                       

Nov 17th


A Taste of Spain – Paso Doble Style

A Taste of Spain – Paso Doble Style So this time last year I immersed myself in Spain for a month, as I wanted to experience the many influences it has had on a dance I have done so many times I have lost count, the PASO DOBLE. This dance is based around the music […]

Sep 29th


Dancing a Winner at The Emmy’s

Dancing a Winner at The Emmy’s Well this week bought so much joy to myself and many other dancers around the world I would imagine, as dance took some huge steps, Pardon the punt. Finally for the first time ever, the nominees in the Outstanding Choreography category were show cased during the primetime telecast as […]