DWTS S13 Australia

Nov 23rd


Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Charleston and Paso Doble

And then there were four!! What a semi final all the remaining couples really bought there A game and for us what a way to dance into the Grand Finale of Dancing with the Stars. Thanks to everyone who has been voting for Tina and I we couldn’t have done it without you all!!   […]

Nov 15th


Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Jive and Foxtrot

Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Jive and Foxtrot 48 hours and we were back at Global studios for another show day with two new dances!! Actually felt like we never left the place over those double show weekends as you are required to be there the day before to camera block all your routines and […]

Nov 14th


Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Samba

Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Samba   Entering what was looking like the week from hell with a 5 day turn around, 4 dances to choreograph, teach, train and install all the elements to be ready for the two shows again this week, WOW! With that said, this would normally be hard enough for most […]

Nov 7th


Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Foxtrot and Viennese Waltz

Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Foxtrot and Viennese Waltz Onto Tuesdays show with only a day of rehearsals!! Crazy, we had a fusion dance, which combined Viennese Waltz and Foxtrot and we also had the dance marathon with a Blues Brothers theme combining Jive, Swing & Twist against all the remaining couples in the comp […]

Nov 4th


Dancing with the Stars Damian and Tina Arena’s Jazz Dance

Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Jazz What a week of Dancing with the Stars!!  In all my years of watching and working with the series around the world there has never been back-to-back episodes in the space of 48 hours!! A definite challenge to say the least. This week saw us having to prepare three […]

Nov 1st


Dancing with the Stars Damian and Tina Arena’s Rumba

Damian and Tina Arena’s Rumba   This week was movie week so we were dancing the Rumba to I Dreamed a Dream from the blockbuster film of last year Les Miserable. And it was one of those nights where it all came together rather nicely.   After last week’s comments from the judges questioning the […]

Oct 25th


Dancing with the Stars Damian and Tina Arena’s Tango

Damian and Tina Arena’s Tango   It was nice to finally kick off the show this week with our rock Tango to Queens another one bites the dust! I thought Tina did really well with the routine and is defiantly moving in the right direction. All the judges’ comments were pretty good and they gave […]

Oct 16th


Dancing with the Stars Damian and Tina Arena Cha Cha

Damian and Tina Arena Cha Cha   Last night was full of some fantastic performance’s and we were also lucky to have Oscar nominated director and the creator of ‘Strictly Ballroom’ Baz Luhrmann in the ballroom offering his point of view throughout the evening. For the stars their chosen dances this week were a reflection […]

Oct 9th


Dancing with the Stars Damian and Tina Arena Viennese Waltz

Dancing with the Stars Damian and Tina Arena Viennese Waltz   So with this week’s dance the Viennese Waltz we both decided to take a trip back in time and styled the routine to the song choice that was allocated to us. Such a classic, At Last by Etta James. The song was first written […]

Oct 4th


Dancing With The Stars Damian & Tina Arena Contemporary

Dancing With The Stars Damian and Tina Arena Contemporary   So it was a very busy schedule leading up to performing our first dance on Dancing With The Stars series 13, and the week’s lead up was one I shall not forget. I was lucky enough to get along and see Tina perform the national […]

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