Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Foxtrot and Viennese Waltz

Nov 7th


Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Foxtrot and Viennese Waltz


Onto Tuesdays show with only a day of rehearsals!! Crazy, we had a fusion dance, which combined Viennese Waltz and Foxtrot and we also had the dance marathon with a Blues Brothers theme combining Jive, Swing & Twist against all the remaining couples in the comp on the floor at the same time. Our fusion dance was to It’s Oh So Quiet by Bjork, awesome fun track and easy to fuse the two dances together considering the foxtrot is 4/4 timing and the V Waltz a 3/4 but there was clear tempo changes in the music which we could use thankfully. The pressure to remember and perform the number in under a day didn’t get to Tina and we managed to receive our highest score of the season. Kudos to a seasoned performer!

Damian and Tina Arena Dancing Foxtrot and Viennese Waltz



Damian and Tina’s Dance Marathon!!


The dance marathons are always a bit of fun as it’s the first time we all get to dance together on the floor at the same time, a good test of stamina and staying power for the stars as its 4 minutes long, who knew I had quite the jive bunny!! Taking the 10 extra points really capped off a great weekend of dancing and now its lock down and back to the studios to train and tackle 4 dances over next weeks shows on Sunday and Tuesday. Unheard of….

Check out the dance off here…

DWTS Damian Whitewood and Tina Arena Dancing The Blues Brothers Marathon

So The judges scores for the night,

Todd McKenny – 9

Kym Johnson – 9

Helen Richey – 10

Adam Garcia – 10

Total for the night – 38


Heres the dance in case you missed it.

DWTS Damian Whitewood and Tina Arena Dancing Foxtrot & Viennese Waltz


Looking forward to next week. Happy Dancing and see you on Sunday…

Damian Whitewood

Professional Dancer

Damian Whitewood

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